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Philippe Sarfati-autoportrait-photographer-photography-street-documentary-architecture-black and white-about-mirror-fujifilm x100v

Philippe Sarfati is a photographer and an architect based in Paris, France. He has won a few awards, done a few exhibitions. He has also worked with some serious people for quite a bit of time. So you can definitely take him seriously.
He is a person who likes making things. He likes taking photographs. He likes molding photography projects. He likes designing buildings. He likes designing books, websites, CDs. He likes working with creative people. He likes working in many different fields at the same time.
He’s doing his best to make a living by doing things he likes doing.
Isn’t that the point?
All photographs produced by Philippe Sarfati, unless stated otherwise.
All architecture projects are the property of the respective firms for which Philippe Sarfati worked.

Website design by Philippe Sarfati with the guidance of ALT8.
Graphic Identity by ALT8.

All photographs produced by Philippe Sarfati, unless stated otherwise.
All architecture projects are the property of the respective firms for which Philippe Sarfati worked.

Website design by Philippe Sarfati with the guidance of ALT8.
Graphic Identity by ALT8.